Pesky cents from sales tax calculations

I'm in the process of setting up our products in RGP and have run into a problem. Our prices are all designed to come out to whole dollar values after tax, ie 18 for day pass, 5 for shoes, etc. This means the pre-tax values technically need to carry a few extra decimals otherwise you end up with rounding errors when you add tax to say 5 shoe rentals. RGP lets you store extra decimals in the pre-tax price field for products but it doesn't seem to calculate tax based on these extra decimals in the actual POS module. Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a workaround? I'll give an example below. Thanks!

Shoes: $5 ($4.42478 + 13% sales tax)

5 pairs of shoes should be $25 with tax.

In POS pre tax price is $4.42 per shoe rental. And with tax comes out to $24.97. The extra decimals aren't being used in the calculation and I'm getting this rounding error on my total.

Before RGP we didn't have to worry about this because we weren't printing itemized receipts with pre tax totals, we were just charging the customer the price with tax and accounting for sales tax was done at the end of the month.



  • The proper way to do tax inclusive pricing is to use the tax inclusive feature of sales tax. You'll forever chase your tail trying to get the pennies to come out perfectly.

    Go to Manage -> Settings -> Sales Tax and look for the note regarding "Looking for tax inclusive pricing?"

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  • You guys charge sales tax on services?

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