Calendar Module - Event Booking - Total Check in

Hi Andy,

Is there an easy way to look at the event and see how many participants that signed up for the booking actually were checked in (attended). Currently, if you hover over an event, it tells you that x/y spots were taken and the names of everyone who signed up. The only way I've been able to check actual attendance is to open up each event and look at the participant/check-in tab and scroll through to see if anyone is unchecked. Suggestions for an easier way? Thank you!



  • Hi Lyn,

    Only so much information can be crammed into the tooltip (when you hover), thus short of opening the event - I'm not sure I can propose a better solution. And I don't think putting check-ins into the tooltip makes sense since that really becomes information overload for a hover window. You can see aggregate check-ins in the Booking Grids report available at the top of the Calendar window.


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  • I'm not suggesting that this number has to be part of the hover - if I could run a report getting check-ins for each class individually, that would be considerably better than the current method of clicking on 15 or 20 individual events to get these numbers.

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  • You want check-in counts for 15-20 events of the same offering (or groups of offerings)? If so, go to the Calendar -> Reports/Grids, filter on the date range by EVENT DATE, select the offering, and in the grid you have an aggregate check-in total in one column.

    You also have the participant count in the grid. So you can see the difference between participants and check-ins.

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  • I track attendance for all my fitness classes. We have moved to RGP for online booking of some of these classes. For example, I have a TRX class that meets 3 times a day, at different times. I track attendance for each separate booking event (class time). The aggregate doesn't help me as it is exactly that - an aggregate.

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  • You can print a report for each event individually. On the participants tab there is a button up top that says "Print or Save Participant List", and it includes a column for check-ins.

    But it sounds like you want a report of check-ins for "just a specific offering at a specific time between a date range"... That's the first I've heard this request, so I'll add as report feature to consider in the future.

    If tracking attendance by time for a specific offering is critical, you could consider breaking the TRX offering into 3 different offerings (you can duplicate an offering so that's easy) and then you can use the existing Booking Grid/List aggregate report. You could have a TRX AM, TRX Noon, and TRX Pm offering. Then the aggregate tool could be used.

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