De duplicating customers?

Does anyone know how to de duplicate existing customers in RGP? I appreciate that both the electronic waiver and online calendar have excellent systems to pick this up. However we have duplicates that may either pre-date this or arise through operator error - and would be great to clear these up. Thanks, Steve



  • With a customer selected in Data Entry you can press the Advanced button, select Merge, and then merge a customer record. Then delete the remaining record.

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  • Hi Andy, thanks for quick response! Is there a way to trigger a search for duplicates across the whole existing customer database. ie can we do a search to show any customers with the same first name/ last name/ date of birth/ zipcode, or perhaps a combination of 2/3 out of the 4 as per the dedupe testing when adding a new customer? We have a number of dupes, presumably operator error, we clear them as we find them but would be good to clear them all if that's possible?

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  • Not at this time.

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  • I don't suppose this has changed has it ?

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  • No automated "dedup" system exists.... mostly because with the digital waiver systems, duplicate customers are exceedingly rare and thus it would be a feature that isn't really used much and would be a significant development effort.

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  • I found a work around that can help find those duplicates

    First use the customer queries to pull all your customers to an excel file. I used the "First Contact date between" parameter and set it back before we started using RGP. Then click open to a CSV file.

    I then added an extra cell just after the "LASTNAME" column. Put the formula =B2&" "&C2 into the D column (this adds the first name and last name together)

    Then use the conditional formatting to highlight all duplicate names under the D column.

    Then use the excel sort feature to sort all the Full Names alphabetically (makes it easier to find)

    I would still double check that the people are actually the same before merging. But at least this way you know what names to look for in RGP

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  • I forgot to say to copy that formula to every cell in the D column. If that wasn't obvious lol

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  • Cool, cheers, I shall work my way through the system

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  • The merge function seems to not exist.

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