Rounding Change
Under settings I have POS set to "display change with cash total rounded to $0.25", but RGP is not performing that task in the POS window (we have all of our products in 25cent increments with tax inclusive settigs, but when I apply a percentage discount it gives me change). I've tried restarting and checking and unchecking it a few times and nothing. Am I misunderstanding what this feature does? Thanks
It does it in the payment completion window. And it only rounds the change, it does NOT change any underlying invoices.
It is not doing it in the payment completion window. I'm not sure what you mean by changing underlying invoices - can you explain that? thanks
If you've restarted POS after making the settings change, it will work as expected. I just tested it and it worked. If not, there must be some confusion as to what is expected and I suggest you email .
As for the invoices. If you sell something for $1.82, that invoice will STILL be $1.82 in RGP. All that changes is the "change" displayed with be $.25 if you tendered $2 in this case. So each day your drawer will be off by a small amount, by design. And this is the proper way to handle rounding changes. The record in the database should not change, just the "change displayed".
Ok I get it - I guess its an accounting standard practice but when my staff says "that'll be 1.88" and then doesn't hand back change because it rounds up to $2 isn't that a bit strange?
It's as strange as you want to make it. Most businesses don't round change in the U.S. This feature is designed for Canada where they have no pennies and the minimum coin is a nickle - thus it's required and customers are used to getting back rounded change.
But if you choose to round change, that doesn't modify the fact that the correct invoice values must be recorded as intended in the database - and only the change (which is a soft value) modified.
You are rounding the change, not your product prices. If you want even product prices, use tax inclusive pricing and set the prices to hard amounts.
We use tax inclusive pricing and all our products are in .25 increments, the change comes when we apply discounts. We have fairly minimal sales with discounts that end up having to give change since we are so small so it seems like we are so very close to getting rid of everything but quarters - I think the solution is just to say "we round to the quarter". Thanks for your help!
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