Bulk application of policies

Hi there,

Is there any way to bulk apply a policy? We're introducing a membership fee but I want everyone who is currently a customer to be exempt (and therefore not have the policy alert show up). I can't apply the policy to every account manually as there are over 20,000.

Or alternatively, is there a way to only apply the policy to people signing up from a particular date?




  • Which policy specifically? I could provide SQL to mark them on everyone.

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  • I've created a custom policy as policy 1. How long do you think it would take for you to create the sql (just so we can manage things in the meantime)?

    Thanks Andy.

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  • Go to Manage -> Maintenance -> Execute SQL and cut-n-paste this in. This will set everyone to have policy 1 date set as today.

    update customers set POLICY1_DATE=now()

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  • Worked like a charm Andy - thanks so much. You've just saved us a lot of messing about with notes and alerts.

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