Online booking - add to cart

Any plans to implement a online booking "add to cart" feature where people can add multiple bookings together? I think it could dramatically increase online sales as people are less likely to go through the booking process more than once at a time.



  • No short term plans, but it is certainly on my list.

    Unfortunately, it is a very complex addition. But you aren't alone in wanting it.... I wish I had designed it for a cart from the beginning, but I didn't, so now its harder to add after the fact.

    That being said, RGP saves all the information it can between bookings for the customer, so typically they only need to add the specific information for their new booking and the credit card number.

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  • PLUS 1 for this - and i know a lot of other UK gyms running RGP find this frustrating as we have 'drop in sessions' for children not just courses - which it seems most US gyms prefer. Parents have to either buy one at a time or, call us up and we have to do it manually - one at a time - for them...


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  • While I'd love a cart to be "easy" to add... it is very complex, and some of the complexity may not be obvious...

    One big issue is that most gyms integrate with the booking system via embedded widgets scattered about their own website. Any "add to cart" would then stash the booked items and take the customers back to gym's site. And because we don't control the content of the gym's site, we can't provide any link/icon for the customers cart (since it is the gym's website). So effectively, on many gyms the cart would be inaccessible/invisible to customers unless they happen to be on one of the gym's pages that have a RGP embedded widget.

    The only solution would be to provide another embeddable widget that the gym would need to put on EVERY page of its site that would expose the cart if there were items in it. But this gets nasty quickly because of the many, many different ways gyms have structured their site. And creating a widget that visually would look good on EVERY PAGE of the myriad of websites that it would need to be embedded in is a nightmare.

    So it's not so much about the cart, as much as making the cart accessible on every page of websites we don't control.

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