EMV Integration- Super Smooth!
So we moved over to EMV Chip and Signature today and it was super smooth. OpenEdge actually took care of everything, setup was super easy, and after setup, the chip transactions are only marginally slower than swiping (i'm stunned how fast they process compared to everywhere else i've used my card).
One thing- OpenEdge had to change our WebID, but they linked the new one to the old one so we didn't lose our billing credit card data. Definitely save your old numbers just in case, but install is a breeze and thanks to Andy and Amy for all their work making it easy- OpenEdge says RGP integration is among the easier ones they have to do.
Thanks for the positive report John! Fingers crossed things remain smooth :)
And for those thinking about moving over... details in this document:
We've definitely found some quirks in the system- some known, some not so much.
1) Do NOT rush the transaction, or the RCM will crash. This includes putting the card in early or removing it early. We are addressing this problem by keeping the readers behind the desk and handing them to the customer for the transaction. If the RCM crashes, make sure your staff knows how to close and restart the program.
2) You still swipe for aliasing cards. Not sure why this is.
3) Apple Pay and Android Pay (and Samsung Pay) work great for POS transactions.
4) When we first tried with OpenEdge, their regular install people can't actually do the EMV on RGP- so you'll want to talk to one of their staff who has done it before. Just ask- there are a few people that are qualified for it.
Thanks for the feedback john.
I haven't heard of RCM crashes, so that's good to know it is a possibility.
As for #2.... go to Settings -> Payments & Billing -> Billing Credit Card and enable the EMV option. You can then use the EMV device for capturing aliases.
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