Check Ins. Change the date for multi-gym

Hi There,

We operate two sites. We recently had an event at one site to which customers from both sites came (30th Jan).

The check ins for those that came were not put through until 5 days later, (4th Feb).

Once checked in, we accessed each customers account - called up their check in history, and changed the date of the check in from the 4th Feb to the 30th Jan.

All customers at the site where the event took place switched back successfully. By that I mean:
1. The check in changed date on the customers check in history
2. The check in disappeared from the 4th Feb check in screen
3. The check in appeared on the 30th Jan check in screen
4. The general report "Check In - Total Check In Count" reduced on the 4th of Feb and increased on the 30th Jan by the correct number

For all customers whose accounts are held at the other site, changing their check in date only produced change number 1 above; numbers 2, 3, and 4 have not been affected.

Is there a reason for this - a setting perhaps - or is this a peculiarity with the multi-gym set up that requires a manual work-around.

Ideally we want all reports and check in screens to reflect what actually happened. Please can you advise whether this is possible for multi-gym.

Many thanks,




  • The is a bug with the Change Check-In button. That button predated the multigym functionality, and honestly.. I this is the first I heard about people attempting to change check-in dates for customers at other facilities. So this is the first I've heard about this bug :)

    What happened in this case? Check-ins for customers at remote facilities actually create a check-in record at each gym (one being hidden and used internally). The Change Check-IN button only changed one of the records.

    Obviously this needs to be corrected, and will be so in a future release. I don't really have any easy fixes for you until that time.

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  • Hi Andy,

    That at least explains the issues we found. We will keep manual records for now, and look forward to a fix in a future release when it's ready.

    Many thanks,


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