Shortcutkeys to POS
Would make POS work faster to be able to assign shortcut keys to POS buttons. for example:
CTRL + A: select anonymous user
CTRL + N: add new user
CTRL + C: select customer
CTRL + 0-9: user assigned product (eg. day use adult)
CTRL + +: increase item quantity by 1
would be quite nice feature and quite simple to implement.
I second the idea of shortcut keys.
Hi guys -
I'll look at adding some of these to a future update.
One thing though, I'm guessing your staff will never use these so the time savings will be limited except for "power users". I've watched my staff using the software endlessly, and they are anything but optimizing.
Just my two cents...
I would consider myself a power user and I don't even think I would use that much more than just selecting anonymous with a quickbutton. Although, in the spirit of speed, maybe being able to scroll with arrow keys and select with enter when selecting customers? You can press enter for the first person in the list and you can scroll. Just not both.
After using the POS for a little bit now, for me, I'd find 2 shortcut buttons handy - First one for "Anonymous User" and Second one "Cash - Exact Change" in the payment window. (I use this pretty much for every cash sale as my mental arithmetic if reasonably good - as is my other staff member, he's doing a PhD in Physics).
But I dunno about 'Ctrl+', not sure if that would be a lot faster. Perhaps in the Payment method window just using the + key on the keypad for cash - since your fingers will be there anyway since you've just put in your staff pin, then type in numbers for the notes tendered and then the OK button operated by the enter key.
But I realise that the whole point of the payment window is to get an exact idea of how the money is accounted into the till - and shortcuts may encourage incorrect entries.
hmmm -
So in a lovely way - I just accidently discovered that RGP does pretty much what I wanted it to do.
So I use the mouse to click "Anonymous", then "Guest Entry" and then the big tick - all okay so far, not too slow. Then I key in my staff pin, and the payment window comes up, keeping my fingers on the number keypad, hit enter and the 'CASH' option is selected, punch in the note that's been given (20 for $20.00 works fine) and enter again for OK.
I dunno if everyone else knew about this already? But it's made a huge difference to the speed of a single transaction here at my gym. And was about the only gripe that I had for RGP. (now if we could get the check in module to include the just checked customer into the POS customers list everything would be great)
Now I'm smiling all the way - gotta write a big note to all staff.
Just so you know your efforts aren't going to waste. Our gym is centered around first time users, so we get crazy amounts of new clientele, especially on Saturday nights when we have our family fun night program. Having hot keys streamlines transactions to get as many through as we can as fast as possible, and I've been getting more and more staff accustomed to using them.
My request on a future update if possible would be a hot key to check off the facility waiver box for a new client. That little change would make a big difference in my opinion.
Andrew - you need to upgrade to the digital waiver system! Automatic waivers so no need for the "check facility waiver hot key".
And no more data transcription either :)
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