Public and Private Alerts on Check IN


We have one screen facing the clients for check-in and the POS screen faces staff. We can look at the Check-In screen on the staff computer if we need to.

Could the check in Screen be designated Public or Staff and then notes and alerts could be designated as normal, show on check-in to all screens or show on check-in to staff screen only? Is there a way to do this already? With prepaid members, we only find notes if they are fully public or if we decide to pull up someones file.

The idea of a public facing screen setting on Check-in with more options as to what we display would be great too. On tne Staff Check-in the option to double-click on a name and bring up the edit screen would be awesome. Failing that, maybe double clicking on a name could paste their member number into the clipboard?




  • Hi Kenneth,

    The check-in screen is not designed to be customer facing. It is designed to be facing the staff and the barcode scanner facing the customer.

    Yes you can use the check-in on the retail computer, but there is a delay before that screen updates - so the check-in screen really should be facing the staff.

    It would be a significant project to create an entirely new "customer facing" screen and I'll add it to my (very long) to do list.... but I will confess, you are the first customer to ask for it currently.

    Thanks for the feedback,

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  • I ask because our gym is often very loud and the 'beep for go' is not always audible. We are currently running the check-in screen facing both staff and clients but with the check in window slid offscreen to the left of screen showing only the most recently checked-in member's photo and their remaining punches/status. We set the desktop to a JPEG with announcements/info. This simulates a public check in screen with message/advertising.


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  • Hey Kenneth, I've thought of this idea before myself. For over a year we didn't have speakers on the check-in computer because I didn't like the default sounds. (Thank you, Andy, for creating an option for customizable sounds!) Even now, occasionally the volume will get turned down and the customer has no idea if they are checked in.

    So one solution I thought of is to buy some black contact paper and cover everything on the screen facing the customer except for the photo and name. I think you could make this look clean and professional with black contact paper. Let me know how it works if you try it!


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  • I've thought about adding support for a little check-in display like one of the following:

    ... and then it would say:

    Welcome Damien
    Membership until 5/10/20

    I'm guessing you both love this idea. Yes?

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  • I love this idea. A screen in addition to the sounds would be great.

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  • Another great idea. We've just been putting together an excel spreadsheet for missing item adjustments. A more organized RGP report for these would be wonderful.

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  • >>>> Another great idea. We've just been putting together an excel spreadsheet for missing item adjustments. A more organized RGP report for these would be wonderful.

    What, specifically, does this report look like? Email me if it is better.

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  • It's very simple. The spreadsheet is just a list of items missing (or taken out of stock), quantity, date, and reason. I supposed cost and retail value would be useful numbers as well. Would it be possible to make an inventory adjustment category for missing stock or for removing stock purposefully (i.e. raffle prizes)?


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  • So this is just a list of restock adjustments for a period of time then, yes?

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  • Essentially yes. However some of the adjustments are justified (such as giving things to employees, or pulling stock for raffle prizes). Ill email you a sample..

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  • In cases like giving to staff members and raffles, we just always sell the product (to them) at a $0 price. In my opinion, this makes for the best tracking as adjustments stay adjustments AND it is assigned to the customer.

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  • Yes I love this idea.

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  • How does this jive from an accounting standpoint? Will RGP be able to track a loss?

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