Cant Open RGP after update

I recieved an e-mail noting that there was a new update for RGP and after following the instructions listed on the email I proced to updating the program and now, I can not longet open it.

I have two computers operating at my gym. My server is where I have all my informatin stored from RGP and all that information is being shared to my other computer. The problem is that my server is the one that is not responding. My serever is running on windows 7 but, I have installed Microsoft.NET 4.5 and then did the update on RGP.
I am extreamly concerned about my information being lost. What can I do?



  • Specifically what happens? Do you get an error?

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  • Before i had this error: Error CLR80004005, then i restarted my computer, re installed Microsoft.NET 4.5.1 and tried to fix RGP by clicking the Repair button when trying to reinstall RGP. After this i tried to open RGP but nothing happens.

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  • Uninstall and reinstall both .NET and RGP.

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  • Im not going to loose my information if i uninstall RGP?

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  • No the data lives in MySQL server.

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  • I already did and still the same CLR80004005 error, is there any posibility to run the previos RGP version? or what else can i do??

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  • This is not an RGP error. This is a .NET error. Your .NET installation is corrupted. Did you try to uninstall and reinstall .NET?

    You can read some solutions here:

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  • It finally korked out! thank you for the support. What I did was reinstall Microsoft.Net 4.5 and RGP.
    Have a great day!

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  • Glad it worked out... hopefully you also are running a nightly backup and having it transferred offsite (dropbox, etc.) if you aren't using the paid product. One day... it might not "work out" and you'll need the backup!

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