Charting and Report misinformation
We recently were looking at a couple different reports and its equivilent in the Charting utility and the ammounts were different. Whats the deal with this? I know some of the reports are AVG amounts but what about just Sales - All products in Charting vs Reporting?
Something maybe worth looking into.
The sales report are all invoices, even unpaid. Charts are only paid invoices.
I might be wrong but we only have one unpaid invoice that I know about and the numbers are farther off than that small ammount. Am I overlooking anything else?
You piqued my curiosity, so I looked at the code (with 100,000 lines even I forget!).
Sales By Account removes Sales Tax, but Charts includes Sales Tax (since some people may want to see that trend).
Your Charts # matches the Z-Out # for a date range, and the Sales By Account number is all your unpaid invoices less sales tax.
Hope this helps
Gotcha. That would probably be the big difference then. Thanks!
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