Defining staff access
How about a feature that let's you choose what each level of staff is allowed to do with their employee code? Or a list of everything that each staff group (staff, closer, manager) is allowed to do. What about staff that doesn't use the computer and they should only really be able to clock in and out? The way RGP is set up, these staff members are potentially able to sell items and adjust membership dates.
Hi Josh -
Currently, only the specified access levels are allowed.
One thing to remember is that RGP tracks all changes by employee - so it is very unlikely a staff member will abuse anything if you let them know ALL changes are tracked. Check out "Customer History" on a customer to see what I mean.
Completely customizable access-control-lists, while "handy", is also very complex to implement and as you read before in other posts - my #1 goal is simple and reliable.
Hope this helps
That does help, but I haven't been able to see who has done certain things other than customer/transaction history. For example: how do I know who opened the drawer and when?
One feature that would be nice would be timestamping the POS history. It's not easy to find actual times of transactions.
Only CLOSERS, MANAGERS, and ADMINS can open the cash drawer without a transaction, so logging isn't particularly required. Staff can only open the drawer as part of a transaction.
POS History -> Select Invoice and you can see the time on the bottom of the window.
What if I wanted to see WHICH manager opened the drawer though? Also, how difficult would it be to have something where we can backtrack what employee does what. But instead of searching through the system and finding the transactions, you could see the history that a certain employees code was used for? Could be an interesting additional feature?
Thanks for the fix!
For logging closers/managers accessing the cash drawer - it would seem to be that if a gym needs to keep tabs of that level of employee no amount of logging is going to prevent theft/abuse. Sure logging the cash drawer would be interesting, but would it actually prevent abuse by that level of employee? I personally don't think so. Closers/managers open the cash drawer often to make change - so the log would be full of "false positives" that render it pretty useless for actually discovering a pattern of abuse.
With the z-out feature, the cash in the drawer has to equal the cash sales at the end of the day or an adjustment is recorded. Using the z-out properly is the best way to prevent cash drawer abuse.
The "employee history" is an interesting feature, I'll add it to the todo list (do note there are 100+ items on this list!)
Good point about accessing the cash drawer.
So how would you use the z-out feature if you were using it after midnight? The problem is that the closeout adjustments are made, but on the wrong day because it is after midnight. In order for those closeout adjustments to be made in the correct day, I would either have to close the drawer early (before midnight) or be able to change the date easier. Let me know any ideas.
I agree, a employee history feature would be helpful!
this is an old post but i agree - I don't want my managers to have acces to revenue and sales information.
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