punch cards

In the settings I have our punch cards set to expire after 12 months. We have only had RGP for 7 or so months now so I have not seen how expired punches work. Does RGP automatically adjust expired punches? How does it appear in RGP? Thanks



  • As a follow up, is it possible to search for customers with soon to expire punches? I see that I can do a custom query for "punches added" and "punches remaining" but both of those do not seem to adequately allow for finding soon to expire punches.
    1. Can we get a way to find soon to expire punches?
    2. Can the email system have a reminder email sent out before someone's punches expire?

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  • There is no default report or email trigger for these. I'll add it to the general "todo" list for consideration in the future.

    It is possible for me to create custom reports and/or custom email triggers....


    There is a one-time $250 charge for any custom reports (they typically take me 1-3 hours to develop and test). Then you can use the report forever in the future.

    Email triggers are a little nastier and scarier (you don't want them to send bogus emails!) so I just have to charge by the hour to develop those. Probably 3-4 hours development for an email trigger.

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  • Andy-
    Great, we will consider that.
    However, back to the original question: I dug a bit deeper and saw that I could make punches expire earlier on an individual basis by editing the punches on a customer's account. So I set a test customer's punches to expire yesterday (the 5th). When I checked that customer in, however, there was no warning or pop up, RGP just debited a punch and said the customer had one less punch in Check In. How does the setting "expire punches after X amount of time" work in RGP? Does it do any function automatically or is it up to the staff to know that persons punches are expiring somehow?

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  • Punches expire as part of the daily maintenance job that runs each morning. If you just changed the expiration date, then there will be no effect until tomorrow.

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  • I thought it might be something like that. Thanks.

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