Moved my Data and now can't connect to Database SQL
First and foremost, thank you for creating this software. I am teaching myself to use it. (Sort of)
My partner and I are int he process of building several gyms here in Indonesia. We should have our first location open this summer. We'll upgrade to the premium plan once the gym is close to being open. We'll also use the online service to link all our gyms together when the time comes.
So, a quick question because I screwed up. I was practicing with a mock gym to learn everything. I had the data base saved on my external hard-drive. I deleted the database and was going to start over from scratch, but the program won't let me install a new data base. It keeps trying to connect to the original.(I think)
I want to practice this program a few times from scratch before I have staff.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the program on my computer, several times now, but that didn't help.
I think RockPro is still trying to connect to the original external hard-drive data base.
Any advice would be great.
I just finished uninstalling both the Rock Pro and the MySQL files.
I realize you're busy. Maybe someone else is having similar issues. Either way, thanks for a great program.
Go to Start > Programs > RGP > Utility > Config and point RGP at your new database
Didn't work for me. When I followed the direction, the system launched a new MYSQl download page. I downloaded and tried to install.
When I reinstalled the MySQL 5.0 it says the service could not be started.
Prepare Configuration, no problem
Write configuration file No problem
Start Service (Red X This service could not be started)
I have tried several time with no luck.
Unfortunately, that's because you uninstalled MySQL without stopping the service. This is a MySQL bug.
See the related section here:
Thanks. I uninstalled using those instructions, and reinstalled still not working.
So the MySQL service cannot be started? Is that the specific error?
And you ran the DOS command "sc delete mysql" and then confirmed that you had no MySQL service listed in the service manager prior to performing a reinstall of MySQL?
Yes, that is correct. MySQL can't be started. I ran the DOS command and reinstalled, still nothing.
Hi Eman,
Unfortunately this is a MySQL issue and is unrelated to RGP, and I can't diagnose or debug it without logging on to your computer.
But to confirm...
* Make sure NO mysql service is listed in your service manager.
* Erase the entire c:\program files\MySQL or c:\program files(x86)\MySQL folder.
And try reinstalling MySQL.
Thanks for trying. I just had my IT guy give it try. This all seems to be related to the 1060
The Error that keeps coming up:
ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver] Can't connect to MySQL server on "localhost" (10061)
ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver] Can't connect to MySQL server on "localhost" (10061)
Not sure if that helps or not.
Thanks again for all the help and support. I know your time is valuable.
Have you confirmed MySQL is running????
Open the Windows Task Manager, Show All Processes from All Users, and look for the process mysqld-nt.exe
If you don't have that process running... MySQL is *NOT* running.
According to my Task Manager, the MySQL is running when the error message pops up.
When configuring MySQL in their MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard, did you check the box that says "Enable TCP/IP Netorking"? And leave the port at 3306.
When I use the Instance Configuration Wizard, I can't get that far. The wizard doesn't connect to my data base.
Message error is the same as above.
I am at a loss, as this appears to be an installation problem with MySQL Server.
I haven't seen an installation problem with MySQL server that can't be solved by a clean reinstall.
* Stop the MySQL service (Control Panel -> Administrator -> Services)
* Uninstall MySQL Server
* Uninstall MySQL ODBC Driver
* Delete the entire c:\program files (x86)\MySQL folder
* Reinstall MYSQL
I believe you tried this already, but try it again! Stopping the service and deleting the folder are both critical steps.
Thanks for all the help. I think I will just wait for the new gym computer to arrive, then try all this from scratch. I like what I saw so far and I think this will be the perfect program.
Eventually, when we expand into multiple location, we'll get the extended plan.
So you know, I installed the database and program on my other laptop and every ting works great. Now, I need to learn my way around before we actually open. Should be fun.
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