Status change reports
Hi Andy,
I'm trying to create a report that will show me for a specific date range how many customers changed from 'Frozen' to 'OK'. I've used the 'Status Change' in View and 'Customer Queries' in Reporting but so far what I end up with is a list of everyone who changed to 'OK' but that includes all those that changed from Terminated to OK and so means going through them individually to find those that were originally Frozen. Is what I want to do even possible in RGP?
Off the top of my head I cannot think of a direct way to get the info you want...
But let me flip the question around...
You seem to be looking for "customers who were unfrozen". May I ask why? Perhaps I can suggest an alternative.
Hi Andy,
We have a simple email system here for customers wanting to freeze which means I can easily see how many freeze requests we get in a month, but what I also want to know is how many EFT customers return to the centre and re-activate their membership in any given month.
I'd happily consider an alternative way of looking at it...
Do you charge a freeze fee? If so that is automatically sold as the freeze product. If so, you can run of report of all the customers who purchased/were-sold a freeze fee for that month.
No we don't charge a freeze fee.
Bummer.... then there isn't a built in solution. I can produce a custom report for you for a one-time fee of $250. Then you can reuse the report as many times as you want. Just an option...
Darn....don't think management will go for that.....the freeze fee, is this something that is charged when they return? Could it be defaulted to a zero amount so there is no charge but we get the stats?
A freeze product is only added if there is a freeze charged, so no... it doesn't work like you'd hoped. sorry.
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