Various Memberships & Various Punches Support???
Our gym has multiple offerings. The fact that we offer Yoga is really cratering the system. Either we need an option which allows people to combine the following or we'll have to enter one person twice with a Yoga Membership and a Climbing Membership:
- Climbing Membership w/ Punch pass for Yoga (No option for this and gym memberships do not allow for Yoga access how can we account for someone wanting a season pass for climbing and a 10 punch card for Yoga)
- Punch pass for Yoga which can be differentiated from Climbing (only solution I see is multiple entries for members, one for climbing and one for Yoga)
- Punch pass for Yoga and Climbing, however taking two punches if using a card swipe is not allowed
None of this allows us to track how many punches are being used for Climbing vs. Yoga. This also begs the question of how can we can pay our vendors (i.e. Different instructors whom get paid per head in attendance) based on a single punch pass.
Any thoughts would be great!!!
Hello Heidi, thank you for letting us know about the broken link.
We have the online calendar and booking feature gyms use for the yoga classes.
If you wanted a member to have a yoga punchcard then these yoga punches would have to be deducted manually for the member, as long as the member is not frozen.
But again, this is not our recommendation for yoga classes.
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