Update Button over Logo

In the previous version of RGP the software update link was displayed as a banner, now it appears as a button over the Gym Logo that we have added. Is it possible to remove or reposition the RGP Software Update button?



  • It's always been a button over the logo... since the beginning of RGP time (trust me, I wrote the code :)

    The bottom banner is reserved for critical system messages.

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  • Hello Andy:

    I, too would like the the "update available" button to be moved/movable -- and perhaps even have its visibility controlled (make it hidden?). We don't update immediately and have (only a few times) been burned slightly by eager counter personnel who began the update themselves.
    Not a huge deal clearly, but one of those 'nice to have' features.


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  • Only users with admin ability can update the software, so if you have "eager" staff members - their privileges are too high!

    As for the visibility of the button - it needs to be prominent unfortunately, otherwise gyms don't update. And screen real estate is much more tight than you realize on small monitors!

    Sorry, but it stays as-is.... it's there for a reason :)

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