Update Button over Logo
In the previous version of RGP the software update link was displayed as a banner, now it appears as a button over the Gym Logo that we have added. Is it possible to remove or reposition the RGP Software Update button?
In the previous version of RGP the software update link was displayed as a banner, now it appears as a button over the Gym Logo that we have added. Is it possible to remove or reposition the RGP Software Update button?
It's always been a button over the logo... since the beginning of RGP time (trust me, I wrote the code :)
The bottom banner is reserved for critical system messages.
Hello Andy:
I, too would like the the "update available" button to be moved/movable -- and perhaps even have its visibility controlled (make it hidden?). We don't update immediately and have (only a few times) been burned slightly by eager counter personnel who began the update themselves.
Not a huge deal clearly, but one of those 'nice to have' features.
Only users with admin ability can update the software, so if you have "eager" staff members - their privileges are too high!
As for the visibility of the button - it needs to be prominent unfortunately, otherwise gyms don't update. And screen real estate is much more tight than you realize on small monitors!
Sorry, but it stays as-is.... it's there for a reason :)
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