I ask because our gym is often very loud and the 'beep for go' is not always audible. We are currently running the check-in screen facing both staff and clients but with the check in window slid o...
Yes I love this idea.
Power can't create new employees. Other than that I think it would be ideal.
Hey! Mailchimp is now offering $ to pay programmers to integrate their API. Although I appreciate you wanting to add email functionality, there is no wa...
It is the case, integration would just make the info go both ways. Thanks.
How is the email stuff coming? Manually dumping data over to MailChimp is getting old. MailChimp now has a pretty good 'tactical email' functionality that I am able to use based on data that is pre...
Can we get a best practices on the workaround possibilities? We'd love to use this.
Any update on the schedule for these features? I'm thinking about changing some customer contact systems but would hate to do it just before you solve my problems. You've been moving ahead super-q...
I agree! Would be good to have clocking in a little more obvious.
That worked, thanks.