Jason Pardy
Touch Signature
Is there anyway to eliminate the sign with finger portion of the waiver, when at ipad station, and just have them type it in every time? Thank you
Factory reset/Reinstall
I had mysql server installed onmy business laptop and did all my products and pricing. My lap top starting freezing up and not acting right. I had to do factory reset and everything was wiped out. ...
Getting started
I'm currently messing around and trying to learn the pos system and doing dummy sales.. Is my best option to void the sale after it's complete so it wont show when I'm finally up and running and Z ...
Multi pos stations
I plan on having three different computer registers connected to three different receipt printers located throughout my space ei concession stand, front desk, and thrift shop. Do you see a problem ...
Time on RGP
Didn't realize my new computer was three hours behind til after I installed MySQL and RGP.. Is here anyway to change it?
Adding products
I haven't opened up my facility yet but am close and looking to get a feel of RGP. I was wondering if there's a way to permanently change the price on a preset and can I add my own product with pri...
What to use?
I'm starting an indoor inflatable park and this program seems like the best fit.. Was just wondering how and what to use for computer based cash registers or how that entire system would be set up....