Nathan Holmes
Quickbooks with 2 facilities
We have two facilities that are 1-1/2 hrs apart and we do not get much member cross over between facilities; therefore, they are not connected in RPG multi-facility mode. Facility 1 is our main off...
Allow members to charge items to their account
Have you explored the option to allow members to charge items to their account? I think this would be a great option for increasing revenue. For example member needed some chalk, but did not have a...
Customer Note
It would be nice to have an "Alert Until" option along with the "Alert On / After" option for customer notes.
Logitech QuickCam Problem
Just installed a Logitech QuickCam for photos. Device works in Windows, but when I try to "Change Picture" in RGP the screen pops up and remains black. When I click "Take Picture" I get an error "I...
Delete Check-In problem
If you accidentally check someone in that is not climbing and then delete them from the daily check-in log their check-in history does not revert to their actual last check-in date. It keeps the da...
Late Fees
I have a member who's EFT did not go through for 2 months. First month I was able to add a late fee, but can't add a late fee for second month. RGP says "This customer already has a late fee for th...