Vertical Ventures St. Pete
Let me know if you need another tester!
Great to hear Andy!
Andy - do you have any more info about the implementation of this such as the locks used, control system, etc...?
So, I have freeze term set to 2 months maximum. In firefox or chrome, if I select any month(say February 2017) as freeze start, the freeze end only displays the following two months(march & april ...
Andy- I see now that safari shows the full list of months. Firefox and chrome do hide the appropriate months, but they can still be selected with the down arrow key.
It's pretty much the same on the server. Maybe a little bit faster than the wifi connected workstations.
Ok. Throw it in the "requested feature" pile!
Any chance on applying a promo code to gift cards? I'd love to do a spend x get y one day sale.
OK thanks Andy, thats helpful to know.
ISP said no issues and to contact you. I am also unable to get into the data entry > manage > waiver station. It just hangs on the progress bar for synchronizing data...