URLs for Waivers & custom page urls
OK a couple of questions. My understanding is that if I want to link to my profile registration page from my website, that it seems straight forward. It sends me directly to the specific URL, where...
RGP & Mailchimp
Is there a way of automatically updating my email list in mailchimp from RGP?
Reporting : Punches remaining, 1 or less...
Hi, I'm trying to run a customer query (I hope to be able to use the resulting code as an auto email) that works out when a person is down to their last punch only. In the customer queries, I can ...
Digital signature for other forms (Not Waiver)
Is there a way I can integrate just the signature input into another form? We need a simple form to replace the physical 'guest sign in' book we have sitting on the counter. It just needs simple f...
Mobile only redirection for booking online
Hi, It seems that when viewing pages that have the embed code on them, on mobile, they are redirecting to JUST the booking page on RGP. It seems that the script for the bookings is forwarding the ...