Will McEvoy
widgets not displaying correctly
Thanks for the quick response to my last query Andy! It seems we are having issues with our widgets not displaying correctly again on both red spider climbing and white spider climbing's website. T...
Smart Waiver - Free Account
The new update has loads of new features - Great! On the free smart waiver account, is their a limit on the number of waivers. I.e. does it give you the premier package or are sign ups unlimited, c...
Hi Andy, so here's our dilema. We have set up our facilities to only have two forms. An unsupervised climbing form and novice form. These are set up to both be 'waivers' e.i to tick the facility wa...
Widgets Displaying Incorrectly
Hi Andy, we are having a few issues with the way widgets display on some pages. The buttons in a category widget are no longer aligning correctly and as a result the buttons over lap the booking as...
Thank You Emails
Hi Andy, Does RGP's email system support HTML? I have created a 'responsive' layout but am having trouble getting it to actually work. Thanks!
Change of wording to online credit card screen
Just a small one. But since the change away from Stripes payment widget, we've had a fair few customers ringing us to book as they think we only accept credit cards online due to the wording on the...
Online booking only working in Internet Explorer
Anyone else in the UK having issues where customers are informed at the payment screen that the CVC or CVV is missing when using a web browser other than Internet Explorer or Edge?
Use of Member product type
Just wondering what reporting consequences and or operational consequences using the 'Member' product type has. We are currently re-organising our accounts to give us better data output. So far all...
Changing instructors on Individual event weeks
Hi there, Is it possible to assign a different instructor to each session in an event that has multiple sessions. E.g A 10 week kids programme that has one instructor for sessions, 1,5,7 and 9 and ...
Instructor Assignments - Do instructors have to be made employees/staff
We employ freelance instructors (sub contractors) to do all our physical instructing and desk staff to do all the sale's and running of the wall. As a result we don't want to have to make our instr...