Youth Programs Check-In Bugginess
Having issues with youth programs group check-in. When I click a name it will seemingly randomly select a bunch of other names - if I uncheck one, it will uncheck a host of others names. If I manag...
Rounding Change
Under settings I have POS set to "display change with cash total rounded to $0.25", but RGP is not performing that task in the POS window (we have all of our products in 25cent increments with tax ...
First Contact Date Query
Im having trouble with (or don't understand how to use) the first contact date query - for example, we had a free climbing event Saturday and i'd like to pull out everyone who was visiting the gym ...
Missing Products?
I am trying do a search query for an old session of an after school program. I cant seem to find the products anywhere, including inactivated products. I see other inactive products from a long tim...
lifetime members + warning whistle
Hello, Our gym has a number of lifetime members who contributed to the contruction, I am wondering what is the best way to keep track of these members- right now we have them marked as free members...
Different Pay Scales for Different activities
Hi, I am wondering what my options are for tracking employees who may have different pays at different times of their shift. For example we are paying employees $15 hourly to teach a class, but $10...