Nicole Menasco
Connecting Additional Workstations to a Locally Hosted RGP Server
This article is intended for facilities using the locally hosted version of Rock Gym Pro (RGP) only. If you are on the cloud-hosted version, please refer to the appropriate documentation for adding...
Enabling Remote Connections for Locally Hosted RGP Servers
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable remote connections on the RGP (Rock Gym Pro) Server computer. On the locally hosted version of RGP, customers have one computer that is d...
Troubleshooting Your RGP Cloud Connection
In order to provide you with help quickly and efficiently, we need to know more about the issue you're experiencing. Please look at the different scenarios below and click on the scenario that best...
Formatting Product Files for Import from Non-RGP Sources
If you have been using a program outside of Rock Gym Pro to manage your retail and inventory and would like to import it into RGP, we charge $150 per location (if the locations have different produ...
Daily Auto-Tagging Rules
You can use Daily Auto-Tagging Rules in Rock Gym Pro to automatically tag customers who meet certain criteria as determined by a Customer Query. To get started, go to Data Entry > Manage > Tags > ...
Processing Online Membership Purchases
When someone purchases an online membership, the transaction will show up on your end in one of two ways: It will either come in as an Online Transaction first or it could come straight through as...
Alternative Key-In Solutions for OpenEdge Users - 8/1/2023
On August 1, 2023, the payment processor Global Payments/OpenEdge retired a form that RGP relies on. RGP was not the only customer of OpenEdge that was not informed of this change. This caused pr...
v1.1. 133919 - Released to Cloud Week of 08/29/22
Update: 08/31/22 - Being released in stages to ALL RGP Cloud Users. Features/Improvements RGP QuickBooks integration improvement. Facilities can now use the default QuickBooks “Sales Tax Payable...
Using "querydate" in Triggered Queries
When triggered customer queries are executed, the query is supplied a ‘querydate’ that can be used for the constraint date parameters. For triggered email customer queries or auto tagging, the qu...
How to Move a Cloud Seat to a New Computer
Whether you are adding your personal cloud seat to an additional computer or swapping out the computer that a workstation or personal cloud seat is on, there are steps you can take to complete this...