Online Membership Sale - Adding a product to be billed each month with pro-rated dues

Hi all, 


I'm currently working on setting up monthly membership passes on our website using the new Online Membership Sale feature that was recently introduced.


We have several price points based on age groups, and we would also like to add an option for monthly shoe hire which can be purchased along with the monthly pass (membership) through our site. 


In my mind, this needs to work on a pro-rated basis when first purchased just like the monthly pass would, based on how far into the first month you are when making the purchase. And also needs to be easy to opt out of, should a member buy their own shoes.


I'm unsure on how to set this up. Any help would be hugely appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Scott, Boulder Hut.



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hello Scott, it appears you are working with Jon via our support system to have this question answered. Thank you and sorry for the delay, as there was an internal hiccup causing a delay in receiving these post notifications.

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