Exporting data to CSV

We're starting to try and use sendgrid for some marketing emails. Is there an easy way to export contact info to csv files that I can then upload to sendgrid? I've figured out a way to do it by running a customer query and exporting all data to csv, but then I have to delete many of the fields for sendgrid to accept it. I guess what I'm looking for is a simplified data export with fewer fields.



1 comment
  • Manage -> Email List Management is designed for exactly this purpose, though we only export email address by design. Most the "personalization" stuff available in Sendgrid/Mailchimp is all smoke and mirrors and really doesn't impact email response despite the hype - so the tool is designed to simply export email addresses.

    Another Option: You could create a Custom Report (button on the left side of Customer Queries) and then use the custom fields options and export the minimum amount of fields required.

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