Multiple Minors on the same waivers

We've recently installed our first waiver station and it's working really well. The only issue we've run into so far is that parents who bring in two or more kids (especially if they're also climbing themselves) get frustrated with filling out the waiver over and over again. Our paper waiver asks for the parent's info and then has mutliple spots for minors' names and DOBs. This makes it much easier for parents with multiple kids to quickly fill out the waiver. Do you have any plans for adding a feature like this to the e-waivers? Maybe a button at the end of the first waiver that allows you to copy everything except the name and DOB into a new waiver?




  • I have a plan to add exactly what you indicated - a button at the end of the process that restarts the process with much of the information completed.

    Look for this in Q1 2012.

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  • Perfect, thanks.

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  • Hi,

    Has this been developed, if so do you have a link to further instructions or, video.



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  • The button referred to in the original post was added years ago. When a waiver is completed, there is the option to start a new waiver for a minor - with many fields already filled in.

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