How to split groups in POS
We've recently switched our pricing so that groups are charged based on the number of belayers we provide and the number of climbers in the group. We charge $30 for each belayer and $12 for each climber so that our prices look like this:
Group of 1 = 1 belayer ($30) + 1 climber ($12) = $42
Group of 2 = 1 belayer ($30) + 2 climbers ($24) = $54
Group of 3 = 1 belayer ($30) + 3 climbers ($36) = $66
Group of 8 = 2 belayers ($60) + 8 climbers ($96) = $156
In RGP, I've set up a "Belayer" product for $30 and a "Climber" product for $12 - and this works fine when one person is paying. However, tonight the group wanted to split the cost between each person, and I was wondering - if other people had similar pricing - how they had their products set up in RGP? Ringing up the whole group and then splitting the total isn't right. Adding a "1/2 Belayer" product, "1/3 Belayer" product, "1/4 Belayer" product doesn't seem right, either. Should I just have a "Private Group" product for $0 that gets modified at the register? Any thoughts?
I don't think there is any "right" way to do this... except perhaps have a product called "Group - Custom" with a $0 price.
Using the two separate products sounds like a good idea. I think the simplest way to split it would be to just divide up the total by hand and split the tender at the end. If you start creating extra products or using custom pricing you are opening up the door for employee errors.
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