First Contact Date Query
Im having trouble with (or don't understand how to use) the first contact date query - for example, we had a free climbing event Saturday and i'd like to pull out everyone who was visiting the gym for the first time. If I query first contact date 7/15 I get zero customers. If I expand the dates to a day before and after I still get nothing. If I query visit counts on that date and total visits together, I get some of them, but many were not checked in since it got crazy but we entered their waivers into the system separately. How do I pull these people out? Thanks
if you manually entered in the waivers, on a different date and you have the box ticked in Settings to Auto create new checkins for new customers. Then they may not show up in your query: first contact date 7/15. that being said, I don't know all the ins and outs of how you are using your RGP database and if you could email me: I can login and you can show me what/how you are running your queries. or you can call me at: 541-316-5747
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