Check-In Reports
We're interested in knowing how many people per day/per month are checked into the gym using punchcards vs. how many punches we're putting out there each month. The second part is easy enough to figure out, but is there a report that could give us how many punches are actually being used each month?
Not with the standard reports that I can think of. A custom report could be created if desired.
Tod Bloxham has created a sample of a custom report, called Check-Ins Members/Punchcards Only.
You can find the SQL code from Tod for the report on his website at:
You can select a date range for the report, which may help...
Thanks Amy! That's not exactly what we were thinking, but a cool report nonetheless.
After some fiddling, I was able to edit the code from Tod's report to give me a report with only punch card checkins.
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