Company Punch Card
I recently received an email from a business nearby interested in getting set up with 250 use punch card that could be shared with all of the employees at the company:
'We are right down the street from you and we wanted to find out about getting a membership for our employees. We offer our employees single use visits for various activities as a perk – i.e. yoga and pilates. I saw that you have a 10 punch card for $12.50 per visit, if we were to pre-pay 50 visits (we will probably use that quarterly) what discount could we get?'
I don't want to assign one card to the business because of the pain it will cause them sharing one card, and the pain it will cause us checking them all in individually then subtracting all the punches. Do you have any recommendations?
Option A
Just create a single punch card customer record to represent the business and put 250 punches on it.
I presume they will provide a periodic list of employees. Keep that behind the desk for your staff to reference.
As the employees visit, have them sign waivers and enter them as guests (possibly with a subtype of the company name). When they visit, just debit a punch from the master "company" customer record by entering that name in Check In. And then also check-in the customer.
Option B
Create a punch card customer to represent the company and add 250 punches. Then create additional punch card customers for each employee and have them be shared cards that debit punches from the master punch card count. That's the "additional scan card" option on the punch card tab.
Reference the provided list of employees and add/remove the names from the shared punch debiting as required.
Thanks! Option B sounds perfect.
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