
Is there a way to put a cash tip on a credit card? In our old pos system we would select visa or mastercard for payment type. Then charge the card in x-charge for more than what the sale was for creating an over payment. Then we would take the cash out of the drawer. At the end of the night the draw would be under on cash and over for the equivalent amount on credit cards. With RGP, will the z-totals reflect the overpayment through x-web? What method would you suggest to put a cash tip on a customer's card?



  • You can run the transaction through as a Split payment. For example if it's a $50 charge and a $5 tip, charge $55 to the credit card and -$5 to cash. Give the $5 to the tipee. Now everything balances at the end of the night.

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  • Genius! Thanks! That makes things a lot easier than what we were doing before.

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  • Hello,
    You can also keep track of the tips via Rock Gym Pro (RGP), if you want to. In RGP, make a “tip” product and add it to the transaction.

    Birthday Party $10
    Tip $2
    Total $12
    And ring it up…
    The manager can then create a subsequent transaction with just
    Tip -2$

    Complete the transaction via CASH (which is a refund) and take the $2 out of the drawer.

    Thank you,
    Amy @ Rock Gym Pro

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