Zip Code Query
Hey Andy,
We're trying to run a report showing us how many customers we've had from each zip code. There isn't a query for zip codes. As a work around, I exported all our data to a text file and opened it in excel. I could organize that data by zip code but for some reason there wasn't a state column so I couldn't limit the data to just our state. Any ideas for how I can get my hands on a list of customers with zip codes only in Georgia?
Oops, I just ran it in excel again and found the state column. However, why is a zip code query not included in RGP?
Do you mean why isn't their a zip code "distance" query? i.e. show me all the customers within X miles of a zip code?
The reason is that the zip code database I included in RGP 4 years ago didn't include lat/long unfortunately, and there hasn't been a big demand for this query thus I haven't implemented it (which is a fair bit of work since I need to swap out the zip code database).
Sorry to drag an old one up (But at least I'm searching!?)
Was there ever a solution to this?
I"m trying to run a report that is searching for people within certain postcodes, or at least part of postcodes, IE it'd be ideal to search for anyone in the NR* (wildcard) postcode modifier. I appreciated having a 'distance' based approach isn't there, but at least being able to search on the start of someones postcode would be a great help!
Any ideas?
Partial postcodes don't really work in the U.S... as zipcodes can be all over the place, unfortunately.
You could create a complete export of your customers (Export option in Customer Queries), load that CSV in Excel, and then sort on postal codes to extract the information you want. Once sorted, you can zero in on the customers you are after.
This is UK based postcode,
It was more a case of being able to use postcode modifiers with other modifiers in a custom query,
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