Term Passes that Aren't Members
We sell term passes at our gym - anywhere from a week to a few months. These people are not members in the usual sense. They just have access to the gym during an interval. It seems that the only way I can only enter them in RGP is as members. I'd prefer not to, but this works okay. However, is there a way to mark these people as "not generating guest passes"?
Assign them as a member, but on the Membership tab there is a check box labeled "Member exists for billing only".
Then they'll get a warning if you check them in.
I do get a warning that way, but it's misleading. I'll manually attach a note to each of those people and get a more specific warning that way. Perhaps in the future we could have a way to adjust guest passes similar to the way we can adjust punch cards?
Ok, maybe I'm confused. I answered that post on my iPhone and misread it as "TEAM PASSES" not "TERM PASSES". I assumed this meant climbing team access.
Term passes (member for a set interval) sounds like a prepaid membership?
If they have access to the gym for a predetermined period of time... why not prepaid memberships?
We've already started moving people over to prepaid monthly members as we gear up to our RGP launch in the next couple of weeks, but for historical reasons no one purchasing less than a prepaid annual pass was considered a member nor did they receive member benefits. Only our prepaid annuals had member benefits. So, until everyone's current long term passes expire, we'll continue to have these non-members for the next few months. And as I rewrite this paragraph for the fifth time, I realize that the easiest thing to do would be to just grandfather them in as members. And that what I was really concerned about is people getting upset about the grandfathered clients getting "more than what they originally paid for" - which is stupid on my part. I guess I'm a little nervous about how our existing customers are going to react to us restructuring our prices this month. So never mind, Andy, thanks for letting me work things out myself!
I agree, grandfathering them is the better solution.
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