Auto-populating Spreadsheet for Event Tracking

Hi Andy,

I'm the programs admin at Climb Nashville, and I'm looking for a way to make tracking event bookings more efficient. Is there a way to auto-populate a spreadsheet with the information (Name, phone number, email address, type of booking/event, location, event time & date) we get when someone books an event (birthday party, lock-in, merit badge instruction, and private belayers)? We've done that in the past with SquareSpace and Google survey forms. Could we do something similar directly through RGP?

Thank you,



  • You can filter the Booking List grid by offering type and then Print Report. You can then open the report on Excel.

    For specific events you can do the same with a roster on the Partifipants Tab in Manage Event.

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  • Thank you for your response, Andy. Is there a way to have one spreadsheet that continuously updates, adding a new line every time a new event is booked? I would like to be able to add notes in later, as well. If this is not available, is it something you would consider adding?

    Thank you,

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  • Hi Sara,

    I'm unlikely to add any "auto update" to a spreadsheet. That would be very complex for so many reasons, not least of which is that the Excel file could have been modified in such a way that would make it impossible to properly "add" events in the right place.

    That being said, it seems like a simple enough task to cut-and-paste the new rows from one spreadsheet to a "working" spreadsheet where you keep your master list/notes.

    Of course, RGP allows you to assign notes to both bookings and events (look for the NOTES section in the booking details grid and the NOTES tab on an Event), so you may want to look at not using a spreadsheet at all. The hope is always that you don't need to use additional applications to accomplish your goals.


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  • Thank you, Andy!

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