Updated Waiver

I apologize if this is somewhere else in the forum-- I actually looked, but nothing had bold blinking text that jumped out at me.

I have updated my current waiver from the past 3 years, and would like to take that updated waiver and use it for my ipad and online waivers. Is putting this new waiver in my system as easy as:
Manage-- Waiver Station, then import my new PDF waiver?

Will this automatically update for my Ipads in my lobby and online waivers?
Is there anything else I need to do?

Some of the language in the waiver is fairly crucial--I want to have all customers fill out a new copy of the waiver-- that is done via settings and Waivers/Custom--Clear All facility waivers.



  • Hello Joe, Yes! is the answer but there are certain steps to follow to ensure you old waiver is saved and your new waiver takes the old waivers URL. You may want to save your old waiver... in case you need it for any reason.
    The new waiver will overwrite your old waiver, in this instance, and allow you to continue to use your current Digital Waiver URL's on your iPads and online waivers.
    Data Entry->Manage->Waiver Station->Export your old waiver and save it as XXXwaiver.rfm
    Your original is still visible in the Waiver management Window-
    Highlight the digital waiver and
    *click Edit- Edit the "Old Waiver" to reflect the changes in your new updated PDF waiver(copy and paste) to create a New Waiver.
    *After you have made the edits click OK
    Next test to ensure all is good:
    *Click the Launch Waiver Station button in the Design Mode Window
    *The waiver station will launch in the design mode.
    *now you can fill out a few
    *then Accept the digital doc via Find Documents and create a few customer records. Testing is important ;-)
    Once you have determined your new digital waiver is behaving properly in RGP then at this time you *Click Publish Design to Live*
    All the edits/changes you made to your old waiver doc will take place across all of your RGP digital waiver URL's.
    The concern here is timing on your part. What day will you be starting with the new waiver?
    Joe, when you click the clear Facility Waivers button (which will only remove the check from the Facility Waiver box in the customer's record) RGP will keep the old digital waiver in the customer's Documents list as a historical record.
    You may have to delete all the old waiver docs sitting in your Find Documents window when you launch your new waiver. If you need any clarification you can call me, Amy, at RGP- 541/316-5747

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  • Long story short, I am just getting to this now.

    I did multiple test waivers, and all my changes and field boxes appear to be behaving correctly. Is there something else I should be double checking?

    Also, just confirming-- since everything looks ok, clicking Publish To Live will make the changes across my lobby ipads and gym website? I would then clear facility waivers, and delete all waivers sitting as online waivers in FIND DOCUMENTS?

    Next, When I click on a current guest, and click on documents, they have a document called "digital waiver", is there a way to make the new one indicate "digital waiver 2" just to allievaite possible confusion with staff?

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  • Yes- Data Entry-Manage-Document Management-Click Add- then add Digital Waiver 2, or similar.
    Then click OK. And close the Document Management window. Then go to:
    Data Entry-Manage-Waiver Station- Select your waiver, click Edit and change the Document Type to the new one your created (Form Type=Waiver)
    then when you click Publish Design to Live the changes will take place across all of your different URL's. It's really quite slick!

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