Yoga Punch Passes with Different Vendors dependent upon class teacher.

This problem is two fold. We offer Yoga pre-paid punch cards through the gym, depending on the class instructor the vendor will change upon check-in for the class. As far as I am able to decipher when you run the transaction upon sale of the punch card the customer may not know when or from whom they want their instruction from. Is there a way to reserve a card then apply that credit to each vendor as their classes check in, or will we simply have to carry the balance of payment until each checkin we run as a independent transaction upon checkin and assign the vendor at that time?



  • You could try using gift cards. Say each class is $10 and the customer buys a 10 class card for $100. Each time they come in you could sell a yoga class and deduct it from their gift card. You could also check and see the attendance by checking how many Yoga classes were sold on that day. Or, just have members pay on the day of the class so there is no confusion.


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  • Josh - Thanks! Great idea, however we do not have gift cards and I'm not sure assigning a credit to say a ID would be effective and we don't have any gift cards at the moment.

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  • First a philosophical statement: 98% of check-ins at a typical rock gym are for climbing access, so I need to make sure that process is as effective as possible. Even if that comes at the limitation of other features.

    Remember, I don't want to end up with the giant-ball-of-mud that is most every other health club/membership software package. What's a giant-ball-of-mud? Software with a million options, most of which don't get used by most gyms. The more options... the more bugs (my fault) and the more mistakes (staff's fault).

    The "single flavor" of punch card customer in RGP is, admittedly, a limitation. But adding different flavors of punch card has a significant problem at check-in: it will REQUIRE staff intervention to differentiate the punch (unless things get more complicated with two cards).

    Most gyms have the check-in running on a dedicated computer, and it is essentially unattended except for passing glances by the staff. If a member can deduct different types of punches, then the staff will manually need to select the type. Suddenly, some check-ins require staff invention and the whole concept of unattended check-in breaks down.

    So then, if staff intervention is required anyway.... what is wrong with a traditional (i.e. old school) punch card for yoga - especially considering in most gyms it is a very small minority of punches.

    Can you image the annoyance if 90% of check-ins are unattended, but a handful of times a member swipes a card it puts up a prompt the staff has to deal with. Not good, as until the staff deals with it no other check-ins can be handled. So that is why things are the way they are in RGP. Ultimately, it will require either TWO CARDS for a member... OR.... STAFF INTERVENTION.

    And the two cards isn't a bad idea, but it is a significant complication and is a lower priority then other features/fixes on my list.

    Yes, old school Yoga punches may seen archaic - but to me it is better than having an inconsistent check-in process.

    Hopefully that is clear.

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