Instructor Client Ratios
Currently building our online booking/calendar schedule. Is it possible to cause RGP to prompt for two instructors once a booking goes over a certain number.
or do have to create two offerings, one for 6 people and one for 12 people max.
Hi -
Thanks for posting.
At this time that feature is not available, though I'll make sure it is on our todo list.
That being said, I don't thing I'd recommend making two offerings. Personally I think a better solution is to have a single offering (perhaps with the higher instructor count assigned), but use the Reports/Grids -> Instructor Assignment window to periodically review things and see if the assignment count needs to be changed.
Glad to hear this is on the list. It's caused us some headaches when staff forget to change the number of instructors when participant counts change, resulting in last minute scrambles to make sure that we aren't understaffed.
For now, to allow us to get as much of our business automated and online I have created two offerings with the different participant counts and to avoid the above issue where the diary appears to be fully staffed but in fact is not. The intention is to move as much of our operation to RGP so we ideally need to get it in a position where mistakes from staff and customers alike are reduced in likelihood.
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