View Documents
Am I correct in thinking that currently you can only view the documents associated with a customer by going to Data Entry and looking up that customer and then selecting View Documents?
It would be great to be able to have View Documents available as an option in your POS Quick Check In or anywhere where you can edit the customer data.
Yes, you are correct.
The intent is that Data Entry and POS are always running, and you just hit the buttons up top (or ALT-TAB in Windows) to flip between the windows.
So you need to look the customer up in Data Entry even though they're already selected in POS?
Yes, if you want to view the documents before the transaction is complete.
If both windows are open, RGP will attempt to automatically load the customers used within a transaction in POS into Data Entry when the transaction is complete.
OK, thanks for clarifying. I think that having View Documents available elsewhere would be a nice feature to add because you may want to verify documents (in our case the Novice supervision form on file) before you complete the transaction.
My workaround is going to be to use Notes/Alert on check in to tell my staff which forms we have on file for that customer.
Most folks use Policy 1 and Policy 2 for this exact reason. And these will show in yellow in POS and alert in Check-In.
Specific digital documents can be configured to check those boxes upon "acceptance".... change the "form type" for those documents.
But that still doesn't tell me who can supervise that Novice climber. Many of the children in our centre, for example, have multiple people who can supervise them- we just need a quick way of checking that we have the correct form with that supervisor on file for them.
I may be using Policy 1 and 2 to deal with my 'concessions'.
Thanks for the suggestion, though. I'll continue to play around with different set ups and see what works best for us.
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