Audrey Seguy
Activity overview
Latest activity by Audrey Seguy-
Audrey Seguy created a post, Are punchcards included within prepaid memberships?
Hi, Just checking...punch cards are included as 'prepaid' aren't they? I'm looking at the data visualisation / charts module. Thanks! Audrey
Audrey Seguy created a post, Same day multi-site check in
Hi everyone, Does anyone operate more than one site with customers checking in to both sites on the same day? If you want guests to only pay once, how do you manage that? Any suggestions, ideas m...
Audrey Seguy created a post, WARNING- same barcode, different gyms!
Just a note of caution for those using barcode entry. We found that some customers were mistakenly using their entry card from another wall at our wall (and vice versa). Because both of us were usi...
Audrey Seguy commented, Me again... One thing that occurred to me is that if we can use the prepaid membership start/end dates the customer can get an email if their membership is about to expire, whereas this would be mo...
Audrey Seguy commented, Hi Andy, Is it possible to also terminate EFT members by using Start & End dates under the 'prepaid membership dates' section of their Membership info? Is there an advantage to using a future statu...
Audrey Seguy created a post, expired punches report
Our punches are set to expire after 2 years. I'd like to know how many are left unused after that time. I can work out how many punches are sold in a given time period and how many are used, but th...
Audrey Seguy commented, That did the job! Thank you.
Audrey Seguy commented, Hi, I've got the auditors in this week... is there a way of finding out what our gift card balances were on 01/01/2015? I've been trying to think of what combinations of reports would be able to p...
Audrey Seguy created a post, Online booking system- reports
Hi, I would like to be able to run a capacity & efficiency report on online bookings. Ideally in the Booking Counts report there would be an additional column showing spaces available. But, if tha...
Audrey Seguy created a post, disaster recovery procedures - using local backups, merging databases
Hi Andy, In addition to having our database backed up daily offsite with RGP, we also have our server replicated every 15 mins on another server in a data centre. I get that if my local server cr...