Booking Time Constraints - modification

Offering - Booking - Booking time constraints: "Do not allow online bookings within XX hours of event".


Add a checkbox for "Allow online bookings within this time if the offering already has participants signed up and there are still empty slots."





  • Official comment

    This isn't a request I've received before. We tend tread lightly when considering whether to add features that are primarily useful in extremely narrow scenarios, as we're always wary of adding complexity to the software for marginal gains in usefulness.

    You could accomplish something similar by not adding these events to your calendar until someone was ready to make a booking, or by leaving the "allow online booking" option unchecked until after a customer had made a first booking.

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  • That's not quite what I'm asking for.


    If no one has signed up for a class by 48 hours before the start time then signup is closed. However, if a class has already made (at least one person signed up) then other people can continue to sign up right up to the start of the class.

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  • Ahhhhhhh, that makes much more sense. Thanks for clarifying. I'll add it to our internal list for development requests, but I can't give a timeline for potential implementation.

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  • Thanks for the consideration.

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