Staff "New Booking" emails only sent with online booking

When someone does an online booking, our assigned staff are sent the new booking email confirmation. When we manually book someone in person or over the phone through the calendar, a new booking email confirmation isn't sent to staff. Is there a setting we're missing or a way to fix that?



  • No additional setting is required.

    I just tested this and it works like expected. Meaning, I assigned a staff member to the event. Then created a new booking for the event. I closed the event, and then shortly after received a "New Booking" notification to the staff member.

    These emails are sent via your local transactional email system and Sendgrid, so you can see any sent emails in that outbound queue (Manage -> Email System -> View Queue). If the emails are not listed, then I'd check to make sure that staff assignments are as expected.

    If the emails are listed as sent in the queue, then this is a problem with Sendgrid delivering those emails or perhaps they got sent to the spam/junk folder of the staff member.

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  • And to be clear, there is a global email list in Calendar -> Manage Schedule -> Settings for emails to be sent EMAIL COPIES of online bookings. These are only sent in the case of online bookings, never local bookings.

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  • I was able to go back in our queue to look at a particular booking I had been told where the instructor was not emailed. Sure enough, there are two or more bookings around that date which happened over the phone where the person booking received an email but our instructors were not emailed (at least, there is no record of it in the queue... just the email the participant received). But when I did a test for the same class just now, it did send it to the instructor (according to the queue). So I'm not exactly sure what's happening there.

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  • If it is a Sendgrid problems, the emails will still be in the outbound RGP queue as that will show they were properly handed off to Sendgrid.

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  • Hey Andy, I have just discovered this same issue. One type of booking that I'm supposed to get New Booking emails for hasn't been sending since about a month ago by the looks of it. Checked the settings and my email address is still there. Not found in the RGP email queue. I've been getting the New Booking emails for some offerings (advanced safety courses) but not this one (after-hours parties) since November 10th.

    Odd thing is, I just made a test booking for the after-hours party offering, and got a New Booking email.

    Just to be clear, we did have bookings for the after hours party in the past month, and I don't have New Booking emails for them. Discovered the issue because I just checked our calendar and there's one for this coming Saturday that I didn't get notified of, and it was booked on Tuesday.

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  • Have you confirmed that these 'new' bookings weren't older bookings that were relocated? Emails aren't sent on booking relocations l.

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  • The one that was booked this week was a new booking, not a relocation. On further checking, it looks like it was the only recent one I definitely didn't get a New Booking email for. The other ones in November were booked farther back and I probably did get emails for them, but in this one case at least, it looks like there was no email sent. It's not in my inbox or the RGP email queue. There are other emails in the queue for the same date shown on the first line of the change history for the event, and the day after, but none of them are the New Booking email.

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  • I think I figured out what is going on...

    If the staff chooses to manually send an email confirmation for the booking immediately after completing the booking, then the staff isn't prompted with the "Send Booking Confirmation?" email at the end. Because the staff has already sent the confirmation email, RGP has taken that booking out of the list of bookings to prompt about since you don't want the customer to possibly get TWO booking confirmations.

    And since the booking was taken of the list of bookings to "prompt about", RGP incorrectly then does not send the staff email.

    I'll fix this in the next update.

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