Configure inventory shoe sizes to display in order in Inventory Count report

Hi, so this is a small annoyance more than anything else but whenever I run an inventory count report on our shoe stock, each shoe always starts with size 10, then 10.5, then 11, then 6 (smallest), then 6.5, then 7, etc. I'm guessing that's because the inventory count report reads the shoe sizes as text strings and then assumes that size "10" is smaller than size "6" because alphabetically it returns a smaller value. Is there any way to configure the system to stop this happening? The strange thing is that in the Manage->products section of RGP all the shoe sizes are presented in order, with size 10 coming after size 9.5 as you'd expect. I've even tried adding leading spaces to the sizes 10 or larger but these get stripped out when you save the item detail.

Like I say, it's only a small issue but every time I do a stock check I end up mis-checking things because I forget that the shoe sizes aren't displayed in order. Any help appreciated!




  • Official comment

    Thanks for reporting this. This sorting issue was present in a few reports that we've fixed in the past, but I actually can't currently replicate that behavior in the 'Inventory - Count' report. I'm running a slightly newer (beta) build of the software than you, but it shouldn't make a difference. Can you confirm that you're seeing this issue in the 'Inventory - Count' report, and if so, can you send screen shots to


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  • Anyone else have this problem?

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  • Thanks for the bug report. I've fixed this in the next update.

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  • This still seems to be a thing as of 6/30/18.

    Version 1.1.129620 (32 bit) 

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  • Hi, this is fixed for me in the Inventory --> Count report, thanks for the update.

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