Inventory drawn down by more than one product
Is it possible for more than one product to draw down the same inventory?
We would like to sell chalk and brush as a combo item and have it draw down the chalk and the brush inventories.
Is it possible for more than one product to draw down the same inventory?
We would like to sell chalk and brush as a combo item and have it draw down the chalk and the brush inventories.
Sorry, but no magic method for that! :)
We too would use a feature like that.
Question on this -
If I were to implement something like this, it would have to behave as the following. I am just brainstorming, no promises yet :)
Manage Product
- In Edit Product, you would make an Intangible product to represent the package. It would not have inventory itself
- You would list the "other products" to debit when this is sold.
When you select this package product to be sold, it would ADD the additional items to the transaction with zero cost and the approproate inventory. The package product would still be listed.
So, for example, a sale would look like
Learn To Climb Package (1) @ $100
Harness (1) @ $0
Shoes (1) @ $0
Chalkback (1) @ $0
Adding the first product, would automatically add the others to the transaction.
This is the only way to make it work given how the inventory tracking is designed.
Would that work?
Yes, please!
In order to offer a package at a discount we have tried both the method of having a package product with a negative price (to give the discount) or we go in and manually fix inventory of components by running a report of package sales. Neither way is all that great.
This would only be good for rental gear if we had different size harnesses/shoes in inventory, there is no way to specify which was sold. Or would it prompt to pick X size [specific sub-item] harness or shoe (in this scenario)
We too would love some sort of package functionality, we currently use the create a negative priced product method and it is a little funky.
This would be great, but sizing options would be necessary (subitems).
Good news - this will be available in the next update!
Hi Guys,
Not a system user but I have built many EPOS and stock control solutions in the past. Great to hear that Andy is building this into the next update but you need to be aware that this can play havoc with your margins and profitability reports. @Andy -I am sure you have already realised most if not all of this... There is a difference between a 'Kit' which is made up of discreet items that each have a single SKU code (e.g. bulk pack of 3 chalk balls), and an 'Offer' or 'Bundle' which is made up of like products that have different SKUs but come from more than one product category (e.g. Shorts and T-shirt Combo where the you have to choose 1 item from the shorts category [different color and size] and one from the T-shirt category [again different color and size options]).
A Kit can be either physical or virtual. A physical kit takes the individual SKU items out of stock and places the kitted item into stock on a new SKU. A virtual kit is simply a sales shortcut which takes items out of stock. Physically kitted items also need to have their Cost Of Sales calculated and you probably need a way to break them back into their constituent parts. Kits can be problematic when stock of a kit component is running low and is contained in more than one kit as it can cause incorrect availability (e.g. you have 5 Xs left in stock, Kit1 contains 1X and 1Y, therefore you have 5 Kit1s available. Kit2 contains 2Xs and 1A, therefore you have 2 Kit2s available, but you don't have 5 Kit1s AND 2 Kit2s, you have EITHER 5 Kit1s OR 2 Kit2s or some combination in between [3xKit1/1xKit2, 1xKit1/2xKit2])
A bundle is (almost) always a virtual item as the elements in it are varied so pre-making them is nonsensical.
Normally a Kit or Bundle will be offered with some sort of discount. How you treat this discount is really important for both profitability purposes and for Tax. You may want to simply reduce the net price of the items by the same percentage (buy X/Y combo and save 20%) or by the same value (Buy X/Y and save $20) or you may want to load one or more items to take all or most the discount (buy X and get Y free). If the items are subject to different tax rates then how you treat the discount can have a significant effect on your tax reporting and you may need to take professional advice about the authorities would treat the discount.
You also need to consider how you are going to handle refunds and exchanges of products that are included in kits and bundles.
For performance KPIs and dashboards you may also want to understand the sales mix between kitted and non-kitted items and this could affect the way you design your reports.
Sorry to be down on the idea but it is better to sort these out in the design than try to retro-fit them later.
The price can be distributed in any fashion over the various bundled products (or primary product), which allows people to track margins and/or income accounts as they decide makes sense for their accounting needs.
It probably can't account for all possible needs, but it should be sufficiently flexible to be useful to many gyms.
Nice one Andy, Looks like a good balance in the flexible/complicated spectrum. It should suit most users. Job Well Done :)
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