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Latest activity by kennethpack-
kennethpack created a post, Privileges, Invoices & Credits
Hey Andy, Sorry for blowing up the forum lately; lots of questions! A year or two ago we delegated a lot of our membership tasks (cancellations, freezes, refunds, weird circumstances) to a Membersh...
kennethpack commented, Thanks for the thoughtful response Andy. I got the idea from the message "Frozen - using punch instead" that displays when a frozen member attempts to check in while they have punches on their acco...
kennethpack commented, You guys charge sales tax on services?
kennethpack commented, Thanks Andy! We'll definitely use this going forward.
kennethpack created a post, Membership Expired, Using Punch Instead
Hey Andy, Any way to get this implemented? Let's say John Smith bought a Semester Membership last year, and it expired 12/31/2016. He later bought a 10-Punch Card, and every time he checks in we ge...
kennethpack created a post, New Server Recommendations
Hey Andy et all, For years we've run our RGP MySQL server on our General Manager's workstation. We're cleaning up her office finally, and we're thinking of moving the MySQL server to a dedicated ma...
kennethpack commented, Got it Andy, that makes a lot more sense. I was using the Reorder List instead of the Reorder Report. This is adequate for the FiveTen shoes where Max is set to 1, but not with snacks where Max mig...
kennethpack commented, Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way we handle this is: Pull the Customer up in POS. Sell them a Day Pass (or PowerHour) On the quick check-in POS screen, check the box next to their name. When pro...
kennethpack commented, This would be great, but sizing options would be necessary (subitems).
kennethpack commented, Hey guys, Trying to figure this out also. I've found the Reorder List Example 1: Fiveten. All shoes and are Inventory Groups, each size is a subitem. Reorder Pt (Min): 0 | Reorder Qty: 1 | Target ...