Alexis Roccos
Activity overview
Latest activity by Alexis Roccos-
Alexis Roccos created a post, customer alerts
We recently sent an email to all our members via constant contact and it appears that we have quite a few 'bad' email addresses. Is there a way to put an alert on all the customers with bad email a...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Ipad bug
When using ipad with apple keyboard you can tab between fields quite nicely but when you hit the Date of Birth it hangs up. I can tab to the month and tab through to the day and year (although as y...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Sendgrid opt out
What happens when a customer clicks on the opt out link in the sendgrid emails? Does that email address get blocked from all transaction emails? Where is that information stored? I tried logging in...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Feature Suggestions
Case quantity's for products. When setting up a new product if you had a 'case quantity' option that you could set. Then when receiving items in inventory you have the option of entering the case a...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Feature Suggestions
Restock case quantity (gatorade, snickers etc.) Alternate bar-codes. Occasionally a manufacturer will issue a new barcode for a product. It would be great to be able to have multiple barcode lookup...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Customer Queries
Is there a way to query for customers that have booking 'A' but not booking 'B?' Specifically I would like to know who has taken Rope 101 but not Rope 102 (in a certain period of time.) Also I woul...
Alexis Roccos commented, Yes but it would be great if the list could automatically get emailed to the instructor. Example. Monday morning yoga. If no one is signed up the instructor would not come in. If the instructor got...
Alexis Roccos created a post, Automatically email class roster to instructor
It would be great to set up events to automatically email class roster to instructor x hours before event. Currently you can only email new bookings to instructor.
Alexis Roccos created a post, Detached booking report
Is there a way to see all 'detached bookings?'
Alexis Roccos created a post, Industry data
What is the status of the industry data metrics? We are trying to figure out how we are doing compared to other markets in regards to getting first time visitors to return for a class or other serv...