In addition to running an analysis of your full membership’s lifetime value, you can also slice your membership up in a variety of different ways. This allows you to run the analysis for members who have been added since a certain date, members who are active members, or for specific membership types.
- To get started, go to the the Data Entry main window, click Reporting and then select Membership Retention and Analysis.
- Click the Add button. To edit an existing graph, click the Edit button.
- In the pop up window, select from the following options:
- Quick Options: Choose from memberships started within 12 months as of today or memberships started within 12-24 months ago as of this day last year
- Membership Start Dates: Only memberships started on or between the dates you select will be included in the graph.
- Active Members as of Date: Show active members as of the date selected. The membership durations will be adjusted to reflect the length of membership from the membership start date to the selected “as-of” date.
- Membership details: Restrict the graph to display just billed or prepaid memberships.
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