Adding or editing a graph line in the Membership Retention and Analysis tool

In addition to running an analysis of your full membership’s lifetime value, you can also slice your membership up in a variety of different ways. This allows you to run the analysis for members who have been added since a certain date, members who are active members, or for specific membership types.

    1. To get started, go to the the Data Entry main window, click Reporting and then select Membership Retention and Analysis.
    2. Click the Add button. To edit an existing graph, click the Edit button.
    3. In the pop up window, select from the following options:
  • Quick Options: Choose from memberships started within 12 months as of today or memberships started within 12-24 months ago as of this day last year
  • Membership Start Dates: Only memberships started on or between the dates you select will be included in the graph.
  • Active Members as of Date: Show active members as of the date selected. The membership durations will be adjusted to reflect the length of membership from the membership start date to the selected “as-of” date.
  • Membership details: Restrict the graph to display just billed or prepaid memberships.
  • Click OK to add the graph line.


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