Displaying multiple documents on a Form List using the URL within a web browser

Enabling the Form List in RGP allows you to display multiple documents for customers to sign on the start page of your facility’s tablet. Currently a Form List can include three types of documents:

  1. RGP Documents/Waivers
  2. Integrated Smart Waivers
  3. Online Membership Change Request Form

To show your RGP Documents/Waivers and Smart Waivers on your Form List.

From Data Entry go to: ManageWaiver Management / Stations

  • Select the Document/Waiver from ‘Design Mode’ and then click on the Edit button.
  • Check the box next to Form List and then click OK.

Screen shown for RGP Documents



Screen shown for integrated Smart Waivers


  • Click on Publish Design To Live button.

To show your Online Membership Change Request Form button on your Form List, you’ll need to enable in a different location - within the Change Form Configuration.

From Data Entry, go to ManageOnline Membership Change Form - Configuration

  • At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the checkbox.



Now, when you go to Data EntryManageWaiver Management, you'll need to publish your changes by clicking on the Publish Design to Live button.

Click on Copy iPad/Netbook URL--this step is only necessary if you are NOT using the Smartwaiver Kiosks app with your iPads but a web browser

The URL for the Form List to use on your facility's tablet will be presented in blue as shown below:




Note: The Online Membership Change Form will work on the Smartwaiver Kiosk app. 

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